About Mixed Blood
I was raised between two households of different ethnicities, cultures, and language. I have been asked about, and felt a need to explain my “background” or “ethnicity” or “heritage” my entire life due to my appearance and my name. Before moving to San Francisco nearly 5 years ago, I rarely saw, let alone interacted with other mixed-race Asians. There had always been a sense of otherness and difference, both internally and externally, and I have discovered this is a fundamental component of the mixed-race Asian experience in the U.S.
Mixed Blood is an open ended portrait project starting with those who are the first mixed-race Asian generation in their immediate families. This project is a meditation on our experience: How we are seen; How we see ourselves; How we see each other; How seeing and being seen informs how we know ourselves. The creative process and resulting body of work endeavors to inspire individual and communal belonging and understanding by supporting identity consciousness.
Please fill out the Participant Contact Information Form (click here)
Feel free to e-mail me at mixedbloodproject@gmail.com with an introduction
You can follow along on Instagram @mixedbloodproject